ISMI Intern Experiences

Intern Reflections, 2010-Present:

“During the summer ISMI internship, I learned a great deal about Israeli history and society while deepening my research abilities. A majority of the time I transcribed and edited oral interviews that Professor Stein conducted with participants in Arab-Israeli negotiations that followed the October 1973 War. Additionally, along with other interns, we researched how the topic of Israel is being treated on American college campuses. By writing entries for the Today in Israeli History series, I learned a great deal about Israeli cultural and political events and the individuals who have contributed to the richness of Israeli history. While participating in the Institute’s annual Israel educator workshop, I realized how vital ISMI’s work is in providing Israel education to future generations. I am grateful for having had this amazing opportunity to delve into Israel studies, enhance my research and writing capabilities, and work with the ISMI team! While I am unsure what my future career path entails, the skills I learned at ISMI will undoubtedly be transferable and extremely valuable.”- Jacqueline, Summer 2019

“Interning at ISMI this summer was a rewarding and enriching experience. I worked with Dr. Tal Grinfas-David and other staff in preparing college-level and pre-collegiate educational resources for students. The majority of my work focused on researching and writing biographies of Israeli leaders. Additionally, I formatted curricular layouts and did graphic design. By producing these curricular booklets, I dramatically improved my writing and research abilities and overall professional confidence. The entire staff was helpful in guiding my work as I learned more about Israeli history, Israel education at the high school, middle school and college levels. This summer may have sparked the possibility of pursuing a professional interest in some aspect of Israel education. The internship was most enjoyable and I look forward to reading more of ISMI’s outstanding scholarship.”- Aaron, Summer 2019

 “It was an incredible intellectual and professional experience working at ISMI this past summer. Proof reading the summary introductions of the 23 volumes of Chaim Weizmann’s letters allowed me to understand Weizmann’s critical contributions to Zionism’s leadership in Israel’s unfolding. Assisting with ISMI’s engagement of teachers in their learning of Israel’s history gave me a chance to understand the content and pedagogy necessary for how Israel is taught for high school and college classrooms. In researching important events in Israel’s history and writing entries for the Today in Israeli History series, I strengthened my knowledge of Israel’s cultural and political history. Transcribing interviews that Professor Stein completed with American and Egyptian participants in the negotiating process in the 1970s gave me an invaluable insight into the minds of political figures and how diplomatic outcomes are achieved. With fellow interns and ISMI staff, we also looked into the complexities of how Israel is taught on American college campuses. In all of these projects, my professional research and writing abilities certainly improved. Working with a wonderful staff, particularly as a history buff and political science “nerd,” I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the internship and I am sure that the skills and content I learned over the summer will remain with me for a long time to come.”– Drew, Summer 2019

“Interning at ISMI in the summer was a dynamic, academically rigorous, substantively rich, and personally rewarding experience that I cannot recommend highly enough to any student seeking to broaden their knowledge of Israel, Jewish history, and the Middle East. Beyond getting to work with dedicated, passionate, and extremely knowledgeable staff members, interns are given the ability to shape their own experience, developing and expanding their skillsets. In my two summers at ISMI, I enhanced my knowledge in numerous fields: developed a working knowledge of over half the Adobe Suite, learned a great deal about Israeli and Middle Eastern History and politics, and came to develop a foundational knowledge of historiography and primary sources that comprise understanding the Arab-Israeli conflict. This summer, I had the opportunity to work with primary sources in transcribing interviews with Israeli, Egyptian, and American leaders, wrote scripts for a series of videos about the Arab-Israeli conflict, and acted as a staff photographer for the Institute’s annual educator workshop. Most engaging in the internship was helping assemble a learning booklet of maps, prose, and analyses that tell the story of Zionism’s systematic physical and demographic growth in Palestine from 1882-1947. At every step in the internship, I had access to some of the brightest minds in the field and a wealth of information, and I relied heavily on staff feedback and advice to bring the various projects I worked on to fruition. ISMI is the definition of project-based learning; each assignment you take on has the potential to teach you a huge amount while providing valuable technical and substantive skills. I do not believe that I could have spent two summers in a more fulfilling or enjoyable way.”- Gabriel, Summer 2019

“Being an intern at ISMI this past semester has been an important moment in shaping what I am passionate about in academia. As the Israeli elections began to heat up, I was tasked with many projects that focused on Israel’s democratic process. I got to intimately understand the dynamism of the electoral history of Israel and learned what has caused the shifts in the country’s politics. From this project and several others, I sharpened my research skills and learned more about Israel’s complexities. I researched and wrote biographies about Knesset candidates from every relevant political party and then dissected the election results. Throughout this internship, I began to better understand where I want to go with my career and that I want to focus more on contributing to scholarly research and creating educational materials about Israel. As a political science and history major, this internship was the perfect fusion for integrating my intellectual interests. In addition, working with the ISMI team and getting to better understand the work they do on all aspects of modern Israel was always a gift.” - Brett, Spring 2019

“Interning at ISMI has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I had the privilege of working to incorporate scholarly sources about modern Israel into curricula for grades K-12. In assembling primary and secondary sources, we accumulated information about Israeli scientific innovations and wrote biographies of inspirational Jewish and Israeli leaders, all aimed at elementary school classroom use. Additionally, I created a comprehensive research-bibliography on the relationship between American Christians and Israel. ISMI taught me how to effectively engage with primary resources in order to answer challenging questions associated with the Arab-Israeli conflict. My internship has inspired me to want to attend law school and focus on Israel through an international legal lens. In the interim, I am deciding between joining “Teach for America” and a few Israel-related think tanks/nonprofits upon graduation.” - Sophia, Spring 2019

“The ISMI internship provided an opportunity to learn about Israel outside of the classroom.  Most of the work I did at ISMI focused on researching and writing for the Today in Israeli History series that they produce. Writing the Today in Israeli History series expanded my knowledge of famous Israelis—culturally and politically—as well as different events in Middle Eastern history for which I didn’t have much prior knowledge. Further, during the semester, I helped conduct research for the potential development of new online tools that would contribute to ISMI’s educational programs. Leading up to Israeli elections in April 2019, I wrote brief summaries of the parliamentary candidates. This project introduced me to how the Knesset is formed and the process of Israeli governmental coalition-building. Interning at ISMI was a great experience, both for my knowledge of Israel and for improving my writing, research and critical thinking skills in a professional environment.” – Emily, Spring 2019

 “This semester at ISMI, I had the opportunity to work directly with Dr. Ken Stein, covering numerous topics. Aside from the research and readings I did on the Arab-Israeli Conflict itself, I focused on a relatively new topic within Israel’s politics. This research focused on Israel’s relationships with China, India, and Japan. Embarking on this topic was particularly rewarding as I reviewed information that is relatively new to the world of Israel’s foreign relations. I focused particularly on showing the trends in Israeli and Japanese relations as this strategic relationship is being established. I analyzed large quantities of data, created graphs of trade balances that included many indo-Asian countries and Israel. Working with Dr. Stein in this capacity has broadened my overall knowledge of Israel, her foreign relations and international relations in general. This work, as well as the work I did last semester at ISMI will undoubtedly help me throughout my life and career.” - Harry, Spring 2019

"Interning with ISMI was a truly rewarding experience for me. Dr. Stein’s Arab-Israeli Conflict course stimulated a deeper interest in the origins, sources, and complexities of Israel in the Middle East. I wanted to gain a solid foundation on how to conduct research on the region, and my semester’s work provided me that and more. I researched and wrote essays about “Today in Israeli History,” which are posted weekly. I learned what historical, political, and cultural events shaped Israel’s development. In the process, I honed my research skills, using scholarly sources, publications, and primary sources to unfold the full picture of each event. I compiled a bibliography on the complex relationships of the Holocaust, Israel’s emergence, and the state of Israel since 1948. As a Middle East Studies major, I remain unsure about what I want to do upon graduation, yet I realized that the skills I acquired, especially finding and investigating sources, has helped me in becoming a more effective and concise writer." - Samantha, Fall 2018

"As a junior majoring in Economics with a minor in Hebrew language at Emory, I hope to go on to law school after graduation. Interning for ISMI was among the most meaningful and intellectually challenging experiences of my educational life. Unlike many of the internships my close friends have had, this position was not characterized by getting coffee or tedious paperwork. Rather, it involved engaging in fascinating projects that grabbed my interest and passions for the study of Israel. I compiled summaries of the educational projects that ISMI regularly provides and are being developed to teach Israel’s history to multiple learning groups. I created a template for organizing ISMI’s materials which allowed me to hone my analytical skills. The internship gave me a chance to improve my writing ability, particularly with regard to writing clearly and concisely. These are skills that will last me a lifetime. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to continuing next semester." – Jonathan, Fall 2018

"As an ISMI intern, I helped edit, format and organize ISMI’s 2019 documentary collection, History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Source Document ReaderOver the course of the semester, I was able to read through voluminous amounts of documents covering the period of Zionist, Jewish, Middle Eastern and Israeli history from 1893 to the present. This work allowed me to develop advanced skills using the Adobe software suite, editing of PDFs and other document formats. Spending four months preparing this reader of documentary history helped shed light on how very complicated Israel’s past has been, and realizing fully that the future remains solid but unknown. Reading primary source documents also allowed me to not only see the many different viewpoints of Israel, but also how difficult it is to work towards a solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace in the region. Working with Eli Sperling on this project also helped me to be more proficient in editing long items, being attentive to even the smallest of details. These editing skills will undoubtedly help me during my summer internship as an analyst at a major accounting firm as well as for all of my future professional endeavors. I am pleased to say that what I have learned at ISMI has made me much more knowledgeable about Israel and has motivated me to even think about living in Israel for a period of time in the future. I look forward to continuing my work as an ISMI Intern during Spring semester." - Harry, Fall 2018

"The ISMI internship has been one of the more illuminating and challenging experiences for me so far as an undergraduate at Emory. After taking Prof. Stein’s Arab-Israeli conflict class in the spring of my sophomore year, I had a keen interest to gain a greater understanding of Israel's foreign policies, culture and society. The ISMI internship allowed me to do just that. My primary responsibilities included researching and writing entries for the Today in Israeli History series. I found the Today in Israeli History posts particularly fascinating because I was able to research such a wide range of topics. I learned about everything from Israeli soccer teams to Israeli diplomatic alliances in the Middle East. Through working with the ISMI staff on these research projects, I strongly improved my writing skills and ability to undertake research using both primary and secondary sources. During the semester I also had the privilege of attending and helping to administer ISMI’s 20th anniversary conference and celebration. I learned an immeasurable amount about Israeli foreign policy and diplomatic relations from the various speakers at the conference. I was also involved in the planning and organization of the conference and have realized just how much preparation and attention to detail are necessary to have such an event unfold successfully. The research and writing skills as well as knowledge about Israel and the Middle East that I gained at ISMI will greatly assist me in the future, particularly as I conduct a research project in Rabat, Morocco next semester as part of my study abroad experience." – Charlotte, Fall 2018

“Working for ISMI this summer has been the most intellectually and creatively engaging and challenging experience I have had in my college years, bar none. I had the opportunity to participate in a diverse set of projects, from taking photographs of a five-day Jewish educator workshop to researching books and journal articles in order to expand bibliographies about all aspects of modern Israel. I edited livestreamed lectures into YouTube videos, digitized old documents and salvaged transcripts of interviews with major Egyptian, Israeli, and American figures from old file formats. The most interesting project I undertook entailed adapting a card game to teach Israeli history to children and teens – this required drawing together knowledge of basic game design, a bevy of events and important figures in Israeli history, and of multiple Adobe programs. The sheer volume of information about Israel I was able to absorb this summer, even passively, easily eclipsed what I had known before I started the internship. Given my desire to continue to study the Middle East and international relations generally, as well as my love of history, this internship could not have been a better fit.” - Gabriel, Summer 2018

“My second summer working at ISMI proved to be an even better learning experience than the first in 2016. Through projects involving primary-source collecting, transcribing recorded interviews, educational game design, and text analysis meetings with Dr. Stein and the other interns, I was able to gain a much deeper understanding of modern Israeli history and particularly, the events surrounding the Camp David Accords. I was then privileged with doing the majority of the research and planning for a Knesset simulation for teens and young adults, which we showcased at the institute’s annual June workshop. This project expanded my understanding of the Israeli legislative process and the political party system. I worked at applying that knowledge to platforms easily replicated in classrooms, youth group events, and summer camps. Once again, working at ISMI improved my research, writing, and critical thinking skills. I learned vital analytical skills, particularly when looking at primary sources and secondary literature. The experiences and lessons learned will be of great help as I move to Washington, DC to start a career in foreign policy research.” – Dan, Summer 2018

“My final stint of five at ISMI has been among my favorites. The summer provided me the opportunity to dive into my work headfirst as my only commitment, and the staff allowed me to fully take advantage. My responsibilities were wide-ranging; among them leading the technical aspects of live streaming the Institute’s annual Educator Workshop. I carried over plans from the previous semester to broadcast keynote speeches from the annual teacher educator workshop live on Facebook. This allowed, for the first time, followers of the institute’s social media pages to interact with the lectures in real time. It also allowed us to create videos as resources that are now posted on our brand-new YouTube page. As the summer went on, I became deeply involved in transcribing, editing, and digitizing Dr. Stein’s earlier oral interviews done with individuals engaged in Arab-Israeli diplomacy from the 1970s. Additionally, I assisted our research team in editing and compiling documents for the Camp David Document Reader. Engaging with Israeli history and foreign policy was at the core of my time as an undergraduate and I look forward to putting the research and writing skills I learned as an intern at ISMI to use as I further my studies at Harvard Law School. My time as an intern at ISMI has been my most valuable professional experience and I look forward to seeing what is in store for ISMI’s bright future." – Jay, Summer 2018

“Working at ISMI this summer has been an incredibly enriching experience. Prior to this year, I had a very surface-level understanding of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Israeli politics as a whole. This spring, I had the opportunity to take Dr. Stein’s Arab-Israeli Conflict course at Emory, which sparked my interest in Israel studies and led me to apply to intern at ISMI. Throughout the summer, I worked on many projects which allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of Israeli history while honing my research, writing, and analytical skills. I developed an Israeli history timeline for a pre-Israel trip orientation, assisted in the creation of a marketing folder to be presented to potential donors, assisted in the preparation and execution of a 5-day teacher education workshop, and acted as a lead editor on a compilation of some 150 documents regarding peace negotiations between Egypt and Israel in the period between 1977 and 1979.  The ISMI staff and fellow interns worked collectively. Our views were valued; we constantly created space for deep learning and discussion. We all learned to be skeptical of sources, often questioning motivations behind assertions claimed. I feel very lucky to have spent my summer with Dr. Stein and the whole ISMI team, and for having been a part of this unique Emory family.” – Jamie, Summer 2018

"Engaging with the ISMI staff this semester allowed me to delve deeply into American foreign policy toward resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict, particularly during the Carter administration. The research and writing flowed into and from my honor’s thesis on the Blair House talks which took place from the end of the Camp David summit in September 1978 through the Peace Treaty signing in March 1979. We unfurled unpublished documents from the period by using a variety of archives. Additionally, I looked closely at the memoirs of the respective delegates to these talks. Writing “Today in Israeli History” entries, assembling bibliographies, and engaging with the spirited staff allowed me to gain intellectually rich insights into Israel’s modern history. It was a splendid way to end my four years at Emory." - Jay, Spring 2018

"My second and final semester at ISMI has been incredible. I have continued to write for "Today in Israeli History.” This has elevated my understanding of political and sociological events that are relevant to modern Israel. I continued researching on the Carter Administration during the Begin era. Reading and analyzing the conversations that took place between Carter and Begin's teams gave me an intimate perspective on their negotiations. Finally, I translated timelines on Jewish history from the Institute’s website into Dutch. This will eventually be used for educational purposes for a Dutch audience. Interning at ISMI has been one of the highlights of my college experience, and I am sincerely grateful to Professor Stein and the ISMI team for this opportunity." - Margaux, Spring 2018

"Prior to coming to Emory, I was passionate about advocating for Israel and learning about its complex historical, political, and ethnic composition. However, once in school, I was distracted. One of my friends had suggested that I reach out to ISMI to inquire about getting back into investigating and contributing to a larger, educational cause focused on Israel. Since interning at ISMI, I have not only learned so much about the complex relationships between Israel and the US, but also came to understand how global and local political climates determine what decisions will be made. I have a better understanding of politics in general, especially of the United States in the 1970s. Interning at ISMI was a great experience and I feel I have learned so much about political decision-making, allowing me a better understanding of the daily news. I was also able to use my knowledge of Spanish to translate analytical and historical items used for learning and teaching." - Jenny, Spring 2018

“Working at ISMI this semester has been a unique privilege. It has helped me become a better researcher, writer, and communicator. Working with Dr. Stein and Eli Sperling, I had the opportunity to make a real impact at the Institute. My first project was to create research bibliographies, including one each for Israeli agriculture and ecology. With the help of my co-workers, I learned how to scrape the ends of the internet and library databases to track down viable, academic sources for my bibliographies. In addition, I was able to co-author the introductions for both themes by working directly with Dr. Stein and Eli Sperling. I composed short articles for the ‘Today in Israeli History’ series. I learned to be a concise and precise writer; I am grateful to have had the experience working at ISMI this past semester.” – Nate, Fall 2017

“My internship at ISMI has helped me tremendously with my future endeavors. Seeking to pursue a career in U.S.-Middle Eastern relations, ISMI has helped me hone my research skills while solidifying my historical knowledge. Throughout the semester, I have written several entries for ‘Today in Israeli History.’ I learned about the richness and complexity of Israel’s history and the Middle East in general. I contributed to research on the Carter administration’s first half-year in office, specifically looking at newspaper articles and policy statements that revealed President Carter’s attitudes towards Arab-Israeli negotiations. Finally, I looked at the self-imposed constraints on Palestinian self-determination and the limited nature of their economies over the last 100 years, with the intention of figuring out if a Palestinian entity can be viable. Working on these diverse projects broadened my knowledge on Israel and its relations with the region aas well as the United States; I look forward to continuing my research next semester.” – Margaux, Fall 2017

“Interning with ISMI was an incredible opportunity. It deepened my understanding of Israeli history, policy, and society. Working alongside such intelligent, compassionate and motivated individuals was a wonderful experience. They encouraged and challenged me to think and learn about Israel’s complex history and present. Additionally, with my Hispanic and Jewish heritage, I contributed to ISMI's outreach to Latin America by translating English articles, social media posts and university curriculum into Spanish. My work with English to Spanish translations challenged my capacity to explain issues and effectively articulate events and sources in a manner that carries their historical, cultural and social importance to Spanish speaking audiences.” – Amaya, Fall 2017

“For my third semester interning at ISMI, I spent a large portion of my time engaged in an in-depth research project on the interplay between two key events in the Spring of 1978 – the passage of a US arms package to Saudi Arabia and the announcement of the creation of the U.S Presidential Commission on the Holocaust. In addition, I worked with ISMI staff to track down primary sources related to the Carter administration and its interactions with Israel. A multi-semester project I worked on included research on the political economy of the Palestinians in the 21st century. As a senior intern, I have had the opportunity to further collaborate with ISMI staff and take on more responsibility while also working on the advanced research and writing skills that Dr. Stein helps all of his students to develop. Reflecting on this semester, I think back to my first days as an intern and how much my knowledge base and skillset has grown as a result of this internship.” – Jay, Fall 2017

 “As a research intern at ISMI, I undertook several projects, all adding to my Israel knowledge base and research skills. Transcribing Professor Stein’s meeting notes made during his research trips to the Middle East in the 1980s and 1990s, translating Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin’s interview in the post 1967 War period, and assisting with the logistics in the pre-collegiate Israel enrichment workshop made the summer interesting and informative. Compiling future entries for “Today in Israel History,” for the website also broadened my knowledge of Israel. As a group, the interns developed material for a project titled, ‘Israel on Campus.’  Having lived in Israel, I had a solid understanding of the country’s internal complexities, however, after this summer, I feel more equipped than ever to return to Brown and help elevate a productive discourse surrounding Israel. And all of these skills and understandings learned at ISMI will follow me wherever I go in my career.” – Dani, Summer 2017

“While interning at ISMI this past summer, I read with keen interest the primary sources that focused on the political and diplomatic personalities who comprised the Israel’s diplomacy and politics of the 1980s and 1990s. Reading the sources and transcribing meeting notes provided a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain unique insight into Arab-Israeli diplomacy, and develop greater context of the conflict. In doing bibliographic work, I collected items related to Israel on campus as well as researching unique moments in Israeli history. The in-depth research experience, nuanced learning of modern Israel, and work with ISMI staff and other interns made my experience at ISMI invaluable. My knowledge of modern Israel and the Middle East has been dramatically boosted, while I gained research and writing skills that I will utilize throughout my career.” – Kalyn, Summer 2017

“Interning at ISMI has been an invaluable experience. Refining my knowledge of Israeli domestic and foreign policies while I refined practical writing and research skills made this experience significantly important to my future. Like last semester, I wrote an important piece, contributing this time to an essay about Israel on campus, ‘intersectionality’ that I am certain will be revised, and placed on ISMI’s website. Collecting articles from Arab and Israeli media allowed me to see how attitudes about contemporary issues are treated by writers in the region. About to start a job as a paralegal, I know that my experiences in research, writing, and in administratrative help at ISMI will be quite helpful. I want to thank ISMI staff for acting as a second family over the past year. Working with them has been a great honor and pleasure. I know that my improved knowledge about Israel will allow me to continue educating others about Israel for years to come.” – Mindi, Summer 2017

“My major assignment involved translating the history of Zionism and Israel into Chinese. It was enjoyable and challenging. Seeking to express the meaning of every sentence accurately in Chinese while maintaining the integrity of the original meanings provided very important skills. After this work, my ability to translate as well as my overall grasp of English, and even Chinese, improved greatly. Likewise, close reading of the texts helped me learn a lot about Zionism and its history. The experience I gained from this internship will benefit me in my future graduate studies and career. The staff at ISMI was very nice and knowledge, and I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with them.” - Yitong, Spring 2017

“This semester, I worked on a wide-variety of projects, all of which helped me improve different skill sets. These projects included: researching the June 1967 War in great depth, contributing to donor relations, and further honing my administrative skills to help with general office work. The most rewarding experience, however, was working with an Emory Law professor to examine international laws and definitions of sovereignty in the context of Jerusalem. As a student interested in attending law school, this was an invaluable experience. I was also honored that my findings were incorporated into the Institute’s June 1967 War curriculum. - Mindi, Spring 2017

“This semester I was fortunate enough to spend all of it working on an in-depth project that digitally mapped Jewish settlement in pre-state Palestine. Through this project, I drastically improved my research skills and was able to collaborate with ISMI professionals to produce a valuable piece of digital scholarship. The mapping project could become a powerful visual tool for students to engage with the history of the Zionist enterprise, as well as a pedagogical tool for teachers of this subject. I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about Zionist history and immigration patterns in particular. My second internship experience with ISMI has proven equally as engaging and inspiring as my first.” – Jay, Spring 2017

“During my semester as an ISMI Intern, my major project focused on formatting the third edition of the Primary Source reader that ISMI provides to educators and learners across the globe. Through this process, I learned how to format and edit large PDFs, a skill that will certainly be of use to me in the future. Additionally, I formatted and edited a series of letters from the early 1930s between British officials in Mandatory Palestine and Jewish Agency officials. The letters concerned an Arab land sale to the Jewish National Fund and the resulting legal eviction notices to the local inhabitants. Reading these primary sources helped clarify for me much of the confusion that surrounds Jewish land acquisition in the 1930s. I was happy to work at ISMI this semester, and know I would not have had access to the materials I had the privilege of working with anywhere else. I am thankful to Dr. Stein and the ISMI staff for the opportunity.” - Andrew, Spring 2017

“Interning with ISMI over the course of the semester was a very fruitful experience. I learned so much through my various assignments, research projects, and speaking with the other interns and ISMI staff. My knowledge of Israel and its history has expanded exponentially because I was afforded the opportunity to read primary source documents and first-hand accounts of historical events. I was likewise able to integrate my interests in technology throughout the internship with many projects, including creating a presentation template used for educating people about the June 1967 War in Israel, as well as providing insights for ways in which ISMI could increase its social media presence. It was a pleasure working at ISMI during my last semester at Emory and it allowed me to uniquely apply skills and knowledge I've accumulated over my 4 years in college as a Political Science and Mathematics major.” – Zoe, Spring 2017

"Several projects at ISMI allowed me to hone my investigative research and writing skills. I reviewed BDS claims in great depth, developing substantive and credible rebuttals to each of them. Editing transcripts of notable Israelis associated with Arab-Israeli negotiations gave me insight into the nuances of key events over time. Assembling translations of Middle Eastern newspapers revealed the complexities of issues that otherwise are understood rather simplistically in the western media. Over the semester, the knowledge I gained helped me in many of my classes and team events.  As an International Studies major, who wants to continue conducting research in post-graduation years, the ISMI experience and staff provided special learning opportunities. I enjoyed every minute." – Mindi, Fall 2016

"Engaging and inspiring describes my internship at ISMI this semester. As my first professional experience, it was wonderful to work alongside knowledgeable mentors who share a passion for the study of Israel. My tasks were varied: organizing bibliographies, proofreading transcripts, and creating a comprehensive educational resource for secondary school students on combatting BDS. A longer assignment included research about Egyptian-Israeli negotiations between the end of Camp David and the signing of the March 1979 Peace Treaty. Shorter research assignments included collecting remarks about Israel made by VP Elect Mike Pence. The internship experience has pushed me forward with writing and research skills; it provided me with valuable understandings about contemporary issues in Israel and the region. It was a fantastic semester in the ISMI office. I look forward to continuing my work there." - Jay, Fall 2016

“Working with Dr. Stein and the ISMI staff has been an enriching experience. I was constantly learning, whether it was from the research conducted or just simply talking with the staff. At the institute, I was constantly surrounded by documents and sources relating to Israel’s history, and I couldn’t have been happier. I transcribed speeches, collected and organized publications, analyzed scholarly articles and generally solidified my knowledge of Israeli history. Evaluating one hundred op-eds from President Carter’s writings on Israel and the Middle East, and creating research bibliographies allowed me to develop critical thinking skills about Israel and its regional politics.– Mindi, Summer 2016

“Working at ISMI this summer was a privilege. The staff was friendly, helpful, and very knowledgeable.  I researched many of the perceptions and basic ideas regarding the status of Israel’s minorities, Afro-Jewish/Israeli relations, and how Israel fit into Cold War tensions between Moscow and Washington. This research deepened my understanding of these topics and given me greater capacity to explain these complicated histories.  I learned a lot about Israel while refining my research skills. It has also changed my outlook on how to analyze events and motives in the geopolitical sphere. I am very grateful for this experience and highly recommend it.” - Dan, Summer 2016

“This past summer ISMI provided me support funds from the Maslin internship program to work in Israel. I had a once in a lifetime experience both inside and outside the court room  as a Foreign Law Clerk for Israel Supreme Court Justice Daphne Barak-Erez. I researched and advised on how United States laws addresses disloyalty by permanent resident aliens and at what point selling goods to terrorists constitutes material support for terrorism as opposed to just participating in commerce. One important take away has been the invaluable security of being a native born United States citizen and how important status is to a person’s security and opportunity no matter in which country they reside. Outside of court, I gained a deeper appreciation for the State of Israel and the people who live there. I saw the holy sites of my faith, the differences between East and West Jerusalem, the struggles of Palestinian Christians to find their identity, and discussed the significance of the State of Israel over Shabbat dinner with local modern Orthodox Jews. I also had the opportunity to meet with international Jewish advocacy organizations, foreign ambassadors, senior advisors from the United States’ Department of State, and representatives from the United Nations. Meeting these dignitaries has given me vital networks for my future career. Thank you again for your generosity and support. Without you this deeply spiritual and once in a lifetime professional experience would not have been possible.” - Kurtis, Emory Law School, Summer 2016

“I would like to thank ISMI for affording me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of Israel and its position within the Middle East. During my time at ISMI, Professor Stein pushed me to think critically. I enjoyed challenging Lippman’s thesis in his book, Hero of the Crossing: How Anwar Sadat and the 1973 War Changed the World, as well as organizing and analyzing a wealth of college syllabi related to the Arab-Israeli conflict. My time at ISMI has reinforced my passion for research and writing and has helped me shape a dynamic and unbiased understanding of Israel’s legitimate inception, history, and legacies.” - Dana, Summer 2016

“Working alongside Professor Stein and the entire ISMI team was a unique opportunity. Being surrounded by this team taught me a lot about Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict, but also about the Middle East in general. As a native French speaker, my role at ISMI primarily concentrated on helping Professor Stein translate and publish his unique portfolio of historical documents into French for various universities, students, and scholars. Translating these documents enabled me to deepen my knowledge of the history of modern State of Israel. The document I found most interesting and enlightening was the report of the meeting between Azzam Pacha and the Zionist leadership from September 1947, who rejected the Zionist offered compromise for a two-state solution.” - Raphael, Spring 2016

“This was my third and final semester interning with the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and I have found that my overall experience has greatly helped me in my academic career. Working with Dr. Stein and Eli Sperling has been a privilege and I have learned a great deal over the past three semesters. During my time working here, ISMI enriched my undergraduate research abilities and knowledge of Israel. It was an absolute pleasure to work with my peers and the staff.” - Jordan, Spring 2016

“My internship at ISMI has allowed me to further explore and develop my passion for Israel. Throughout my time here, my main project was researching the American Jewish community’s connection to Israel, which ultimately culminated in a research paper on the topic. I was able to learn more about the special relationship between the United States and Israel. I improved my writing, researching, and editing skills. Furthermore, I assisted in creating research bibliographies, took part in numerous discussions on Middle East politics, and helped in the creation of various excel spreadsheets, organizing different data sets about the varieties of American Jewish connections to Israel. My experience at ISMI will be invaluable as I pursue a career path in international law that will lead me to work dealing with Middle East politics, especially those of Israel and her foreign affairs.” - Isabel, Spring 2016

“Working at ISMI this semester has been enriching and fulfilling. I have always had a deep passion for Israel, and interning at ISMI has added a new dimension to my love and appreciation for Israel. I spent the majority of the semester researching US-Israeli relations by analyzing and comparing the relationships between the Carter-Begin and Obama-Netanyahu administrations. I learned about the many nuances and diplomatic complexities throughout the relationship between the US and modern Israel. Additionally, my assignments included creating research bibliographies, finding important events in Israeli history for specific dates, and working on excel spreadsheets organizing data sets collected at ISMI. Overall, my research skills improved immensely. I now know how to navigate multiple databases, newspapers and other research sites. This will be an incredibly useful set of skills in any career path I undertake in the future.” - Sara, Spring 2016

“My second and final semester working at ISMI was even more interesting and enriching than my first. I have continued to learn a great deal from my research and from the incredibly kind, helpful and intelligent staff. Over the course of the semester, I researched and wrote a summary and detailed bibliography on Israeli cuisine, wrote short summaries for the institute’s Today in Israeli History series, and helped edit thematic research bibliographies. My time at ISMI has vastly improved my understanding of Israel and its position in the Middle East. The professional knowledge I’ve gained here will help me wherever my career path takes me and the detailed knowledge I have received regarding modern Israel has been essential in helping me contextualize many happenings in the world today. As a political science major, I’ve truly enjoyed working at ISMI and cannot stress enough how grateful I am to have had this opportunity.” -  Alissa, Spring 2016

“This was my second semester working as an ISMI intern. The work was thought provoking and enriching. I conducted research on Islam as a platform for political mobilization, edited Israel thematic bibliographies for the website, and wrote short pieces for the “Today in Israeli History” blog. Working at ISMI has been a great experience; it is a very relaxed environment, the staff is great to work with, and the work I have been able to do has improved my writing and research skills. I am excited to continue working here next semester.” – Jordan, Fall 2015 

“At the start of my internship at ISMI, my knowledge regarding the State of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict was minimal at best. After just one semester working at the Institute, I have learned an incredible amount about Israel. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work among and learn from such interesting people who are experts in their field. My work at ISMI varied from compiling and editing bibliographies to researching and writing a summary on Israel as a technology hub. I have gained a vast amount of professional knowledge, and have had a great deal of fun as well. My internship was challenging, enlightening, and extraordinarily rewarding. I look forward to continuing at ISMI next semester.”  -Ally, Fall 2015

 “I was very fortunate to be able to spend time working alongside Dr. Stein and the team at the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel. Beside developing professional skills that will undoubtedly serve me later in life, I had the opportunity to be exposed to Israel on another level. Rarely does one get a chance to delve into a living history; I was always encouraged to ask question and gain knowledge — not to mention my questions were always eagerly answered. Working with original documents, I explored events in Israel’s recent history that the average person overlooks. I will walk away from my ISMI intern experience with a stronger grasp of Israel, knowing how to discuss and understand its many facets.” - Sam, Fall 2015

“My internship at ISMI this summer was enriching, engaging, and furthered my depth of knowledge and interest in Israel. Contributing to the upcoming launch of the Center for Israel Education’s new website, I was able to review the website, make edits, and voice my ideas and suggestions. I likewise spent a great deal of the internship working with rich and captivating sources, compiling research bibliographies, editing translated primary source documents, and transcribing recordings of in-depth interviews with Israeli and American diplomats who participated in Arab-Israeli diplomacy. I learned a great deal this summer from the intelligent, fun, and warm staff at ISMI that has created an enjoyable work environment.” - Ben, Summer 2015

“My internship experience has forever changed my relationship with the State of Israel. I began this summer woefully unaware of the history, culture, and politics of the modern State of Israel. Joining the ISMI/CIE team, I was not surprised by the workload, however, I never could have expected to leave this experience having gained such an incredible arsenal of not just information, but true knowledge and wisdom.  During the internship, I edited primary source documents that relate to modern Israel, transcribed recorded interviews of diplomats who engaged in Arab-Israeli negotiations, and reviewed the new website. Through the work, I honed analytical skills and broadened my understanding and opinions about Israel.  I am eager to return to Brandeis’ campus and be a source of thoughtful and fact-based conversation on Israel for my peers.” - Eli, Summer 2015

“As a student seeking to enter the world of Middle East foreign policy, I could not have found a better fit than the ISMI internship. Through creating research bibliographies, transcribing recorded interviews, writing about topics pertaining to Modern Israel and the Middle East, and general discussions with Dr. Stein and the rest of the staff, I have greatly improved my knowledge base on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. My most challenging, yet rewarding assignment this summer was the research I did in seeking to understand the academic delegitimization of Israel. By reading, discussing, and writing about an array of books and academic articles written by Israel’s detractors, I was able to vastly improve my ability to critically analyze different sources of information. As a student involved in all that is Israel on my campus, the knowledge and tools I have gained this summer are invaluable to my work on campus and beyond.” - Avital, Summer 2015

“First and most foremost, in my summer at ISMI, I learned more about Israeli politics and culture than in 14 years of private Jewish day education. Even as a business major, and one not particularly interested in politics as a career, the skills and wisdom I garnered from the experience was incredibly unique. I performed extensive research on both pro and anti-Israel authors, allowing me to challenge yet solidify my views on the State of Israel while expanding my knowledge on the subject exponentially. In addition, I completed research assignments, which had me perusing thousands of years of Israeli and Jewish history and constructing my own short analysis relating my research on contemporary issues. This summer broadened my perspective and comprehension on Israel as well as provided me with vital tools I can translate to my professional career.” - Jacob B, Summer 2015

“During my time working as an intern at ISMI, I took great strides towards improving my skills in analysis, critical thinking, and research. I contributed to an extensive study of Israel’s electoral history, I learned how to create and hone an executive summary, and I compiled important primary source documents and bibliographic elements for a variety of projects. Such tasks have prepared me for a lifelong study of scholarship and of Israel, areas of interest that I seek to develop after graduation from Emory College. It has been a pleasure working with the ISMI team; they have challenged me and helped me learn and grow.” - Jacob Z, Spring 2015

“This semester, I learned what it actually meant to do research. One of my major assignments was to create research bibliographies: finding, editing and arranging them for use by students and scholars. These bibliographies covered multiple topics, including  Israeli Leadership, the Holocaust, and Jewish Peoplehood. Other tasks I completed this semester include working with spreadsheets, translating documents from English into Spanish and vice versa, as well as typing up primary source documents that are otherwise unavailable in editable formats.” - Fernanda, Spring 2015

“While working at ISMI, I compiled a number of research bibliographies on topics relating to Israeli culture, Israeli history, and Israeli foreign relations. This experience helped me advance my research skills and my ability to assess the quality of sources for scholarly use. My internship with ISMI allowed me to develop my skills as a researcher. Working with the amazing ISMI staff has been an enriching and intellectually stimulating experience.” - Jordan, Spring 2015

"While working at ISMI, I conducted targeted research and honed my writing skills. In transcribing interviews, compiling bibliographies, and mining videos, I refined my ability to summarize key materials. Skills acquired this semester will equip me with tools necessary to hold my own in the professional world." - Kate, Fall 2014

"Working at ISMI allowed me to work along side some of the most esteemed academics on Israel and the Middle East more broadly. Through daily conversations with these individuals, I accumulated a great deal of knowledge about Israel and the Middle East. My work this semester centered on editing and assembling bibliographic information and undertaking a large-scale project updating and formatting a document reader. My professional skills were deeply enhanced through these undertakings, specifically learning how to use tools such as Adobe Acrobat Pro, which are integral for professional life. My time at ISMI has strengthened my passion for researching and learning about Israel and the greater Middle East." - Kentucky, Fall 2014

"This was my fifth semester interning at ISMI, including working full-time this past summer. During this semester, I compiled bibliographies and drafted theme summaries on the Israeli economy and Israeli foreign policy, proofread translated documents, edited timeline entries, and transcribed pages of historical documents and primary-source interviews. Over my five semesters at ISMI, I have participated in week long conferences on modern Israel, and sorted and described secret correspondence between American and Israeli diplomats. I have collected photos for the website and transcribed rare recordings between Egyptian, Israeli, Soviet and American leaders. My time at ISMI has been gratifying. Most significant perhaps was helping to create a simulation for classroom use on the `First Zionist Congress.' I aspire to focus my career around Israel. I am thankful to ISMI for providing me the opportunity to intern in an environment where I was surrounded by staff who shared their wealth of knowledge about every aspect of Israel." - Jake, Fall and Spring 2014

"I had an incredible experience working at ISMI this past summer and fall. The majority of my work this semester was dedicated to going through articles in the Foreign Relations of the United States (concerning the negotiations in the 1970s between Israel and Egypt), researching examples of intellectual assaults against Israel, and working on organizing primary source documents for a source compilation on Middle East negotiations during the Carter Presidency. Through each of these assignments I learned more about Israel—its history, its political framework, as well as becoming fully aware of its harshest critics." - Rachel D, Summer and Fall 2014

“With native Spanish fluency, I acted as a translator for Chilean and Mexican teachers during their participation in the Israel learning workshop. In addition, I translated a host of materials that were used by these teachers and by others in subsequent workshops. These items included A Simulation of The First Zionist Congress, A History of Sephardic Jewry, and Jerusalem in Modern Hebrew Literature. Through the translation process, I learned a great deal about the origins of Zionism and modern Israeli history." – Mabel, Summer 2014

“The majority of my work focused on two documentary-style, educational videos, one on the Balfour Declaration and the other Israeli-Arab Negotiations after 1948. Research and writing of the storyboard, along with learning and using several creative and animation programs were exciting benefits gained from video creation. I ended four fun-filled summers at ISMI with an array of skills that will allow me to pursue with more clarity my career goals.” – Max, Summer 2014

"My time at ISMI has been informative and enlightening. My assignments have mostly involved creating videos...focused on the origin of the State of Israel. By viewing assigned videos, I have learned much about the development of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. They also informed me on social aspects of Israeli life, such as modern music. I have created graphs, spreadsheets, and inventory lists, all of which I did not know how to create or make. In addition, I assisted in updating the website and adding a list of current events. More recently I helped prepare Israel educational materials for Spanish speakers, using my native fluency. In translating materials, I learned a great deal about issues concerning Israel: immigration, gender equality, religion and state, and making Israel a Jewish state. I greatly enjoyed my challenging and engaging experiences at the Institute during these semesters." - Fernanda, Fall and Spring 2014

"These two semesters, I worked on compiling and ordering primary and secondary source documents for ISMI's upcoming source compilation on Middle East negotiations during the Carter presidency. These were transcripts, letters, policy memos, and press releases from the Begin, Sadat, and Carter's administrations that, once read together, will tell a comprehensive history of these negotiations, not just the American version. I outlined the table of contents for the source compilation and worked with Dr. Stein to complete a project that I began first semester. Likewise, I compiled summaries of the major "turning points" in the history of the America-Israel relationship, material that will be used by educators and students alike to understand the context and implications of events upon policy.  I have honed the skill of taking complex, multi-dimensional ideas and communicating them in a direct, simple, and coherent manner. I've become well versed on where best to look for resources on specific issues or genres of history, learned to write book reviews, build bibliographies and I have gained a greater understanding and appreciation for the need to cite all sources. Recently, I have learned about the assault on Israel on American campuses and read many of the claims made. My task was then finding where those claims were weak or hollow. I've also built relationships within the Atlanta Jewish and academic communities-in synagogues, foundations, and within Emory-through my work with curriculum development and teaching." - Ami, Fall and Spring 2014

"I've really enjoyed learning at the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and developed skills that will remain with me for a long time: proofreading, research and refined computer skills. My assignments included researching and editing  "Today in Israeli History" posts, compiling bibliographies, storing and organizing pictures from and for the website, and transcribing documents. I have had the chance to learn about interesting people and their accomplishments from past and present-day Israel." -Leslie, Spring 2014

"This semester I edited  newly declassified, translated and compiled documents, transcripts, correspondence and other high level communication that tell the story of diplomacy in the time leading up to Camp David. By editing and reviewing all the documents I was able to get an understanding to how real diplomacy works by reading the primary sources and direct communication between the pivotal actors in the process. I went through the Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive to compile videos and short descriptions of those videos that relate to various topics of interest for the ISMI. Having the opportunity and time to comb through hours of footage from the era changed the way I viewed various events and the brutal reality of the Holocaust... My time at the ISMI gave me a new view and a comprehensive understanding of various topics relating to Israel and its history. It furthered my interest to the point of choosing Tel Aviv where  I will spend my next semester studying. My time at the Institute introduced me to the real field of academia and gave me experience in working in a real office setting."-Matthew, Spring 2014

"I have gained a great deal from the ISMI intern experience. I compiled a master bibliography of sources, researching famous Israeli women and the birth and death dates of famous Israelis.  I learned about countless Israeli women and their contributions to Israeli history and modern day culture and society. That research was used to increase the number of contributions by women in ISMI's research and teaching. I particularly enjoyed editing chapters of books and other ISMI produced materials."-Leslie, Fall 2013

Want to support the ISMI internship experience? Simply donate to ISMI and specify that the funds are to be used for the Internship Program. Click here for more information about supporting ISMI.

"I found my summer internship at ISMI remarkable. At the ISMI teacher workshop I interacted with educators from around the country and learned from distinguished Israeli scholars. The major project completed by the interns was assembling bibliographies for 20 topics relating to Zionism and modern Israel. Dr. Stein understands that most college students need bibliographic assistance for research papers. He spent time showing us how to create the most complete, up-to-date bibliographies. I used my knowledge of social media and marketing to assist in the SEO optimization.  Everyone listens. If any of the interns had an opinion or idea about how to do something better, if it were worthwhile, we adjusted our work. You really feel like you are part of a team interested in knowing more about Israel."-Alex, Summer 2013

"This is my third summer at ISMI. Every year, I return to school with more knowledge, better understanding and a stronger connection to the Land of Israel. I think that working at ISMI, especially around all these other people who are both dedicated and experts in their fields, really fosters my understanding of Israel. I see what it takes to be a dedicated learner.  I worked at the ISMI teacher workshop, then compiled bibliographies on many topics related to Zionism and Israel."-Max, Summer 2013

 "Beyond the obvious benefits of working and learning from an esteemed academic and the team at ISMI, I accumulated an abundance of practical lessons and wisdom as I move to being a working professional.  Israel is a complex society, filled with many contrasting and contradictory viewpoints, and I have gained an increasing appreciation for the intricacies of today's Middle East political spectrum. My newfound insights have furthered my understanding and affirmed my long-held beliefs in Israel. At ISMI, I was introduced to various online resources and, at Dr. Stein's unrelenting behest, I have become familiar with the lost art of library and book research.  I did editing work and assembled bibliographies. All the ISMI staff gave us time to learn from them. Having attended Jewish private school exclusively until my enrollment in the University of Michigan, I naively thought there was little else I could learn about the State of Israel and the Jewish people. But working at ISMI has made me realize that I have only just begun to scratch the surface of Israel's lush history and perplexing future. This realization has ignited a hunger within me to seek further knowledge on this subject."-Daniel H., Summer 2013

 "The summer internship allowed me to learn a great deal. I worked at the ISMI teacher workshop taking photographs and helping out. Of the many long term projects, the most fascinating was working with an ISMI staff member and editing the recently translated archival documents surrounding the Egyptian-Israeli negotiations. I improved my proofing and editing skills while reviewing the only English translated copies of those documents."-Shaina, Summer 2013

"Interning for ISMI afforded me the opportunity to grow as a student of Israeli history and politics.  Some of the many assignments I had during my internship included transcribing fascinating documents and one-on-one interviews that were conducted for understanding Egyptian-Israeli diplomacy.  The documents were a window into all facets of Israeli history.  ISMI has also challenged me to further develop my research skills: researching the Andrew Young Affair in the 1970s and writing a paper on Haredi service in the Israel Defense Force. Not only will these work and research skills help me in my senior year at Emory, but they will continue to serve me as I pursue a degree in law."-Daniel F., Spring 2013

 "I began my internship at ISMI in August 2012, and have found my experience to be immensely stimulating and rewarding. My projects have included, but are not limited to, editing scholarly documents, conducting research for relevant Middle Eastern topics or figures, and assisting ISMI staff in preparation of Israel enrichment workshop agendas.  While the skills I acquired at ISMI would be useful for any college student, they have, in fact, a special significance for me, in light of the recent development that I will be attending journalism school in the fall. I honed my grammar skills and eye for error (necessary for any fledgling reporter), and developed a new sense of thoroughness in regards to academic research. My work at ISMI taught me to gauge and assess the significance and/or legitimacy of academic works; I can better prioritize which articles and sources to use. Among the most fulfilling aspects of my work was helping to carry out a vision for ISMI and doing work that academic, non-Jewish and Jewish communities so desperately need. I felt like I was providing something tangible, accurate, and necessary for students and educators interested in Israel."-Shayna, Fall 2012-Spring 2013

"My three years of internship experience at ISMI have been academically fulfilling, intellectually stimulating, and professionally rewarding. Over the past four years, the Institute has challenged me to develop my knowledge of Israeli and Jewish history, while providing me with new opportunities to explore various research techniques and sharpen my critical reading skills. In working with the staff, I have enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to a variety of academic and research projects.  My work  initiatives included reading  rare primary source documents that pertained to Israel's development and the roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict.  Not only have such academic endeavors enhanced my personal knowledge of Israeli history, but more importantly, they have enriched my understanding of the current conflict, allowing me to develop a dynamic understanding of the context that past treaties, meetings, speeches, letters and actions have had on shaping  current developments.  Furthermore, working at the week-long ISMI teacher workshops provided me with the exciting opportunity to interact and engage with the teachers who directly benefit from the informative curriculum produced by ISMI. The knowledge, research skills, time management, and analytical development I have acquired at my internship will certainly be invaluable to my future academic and career pursuits."-Jessie, Spring 2013

"My internship at ISMI has allowed me to expand and deepen my understanding of Israel's past and present in ways that my classes and even trips to Israel could not. By spending time with primary documents and recorded interviews at ISMI, I was able to virtually meet some of the people who made Israel's history happen. And by conducting interviews with participants at ISMI's annual teacher workshop, I was able to meet some of the people who have taken on the responsibility of imparting that history onto a new generation. ...Throughout the summer, my main task was to create a first through third grade curriculum to teach Jewish supplementary school students about Israel... I was also charged with arranging and categorizing a timeline of Zionist and Israeli history for a new website, an undertaking that strengthened my background knowledge of the subject as I was determining how to best teach it. The internship gave me invaluable knowledge and it was an experience for which I am extremely grateful."-Sarah, Summer 2012

Want to support the ISMI internship experience? Simply donate to ISMI and specify that the funds are to be used for the Internship Program. Click here for more information about supporting ISMI.

"During my ten months working at the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel I have worked on a wide range of projects that have not only enriched my own educational experience, but furthered the institutional purpose of ISMI as well.  My varied assignments have included graphic design projects...preparing for and providing assistance during the ISMI Summer Teacher Workshop... categorizing and tagging important photos from the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's as well as transcribing unique interviews with not only former Israeli political leaders - such as Menachem Begin's Secretary Yahiel Kadishai - but also ... American political leaders such as Jimmy Carter and the late Peter Rodman - Henry Kissinger's Special Assistant in the 1970's. Overall, my experience at ISMI has not only provided me with an educational experience I could not have received in any classroom, but has also helped ISMI provide better material for its target audiences and catalyzed interaction with those audiences."-Ari, Summer 2012

"I have found interning at ISMI to be an incredibly rewarding and worthwhile experience. Not only did I enjoy getting to know and learning from the amazing staff but I also developed some extremely important skills during my time here, which I have no doubt will serve me well in the future ... I also so enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to get my hands dirty and truly become immersed in real history that still has such important effects for the contemporary world.  I felt that all the work I did was actively contributing to ISMI's mission and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work there, however brief it may have been."-Aryn, Spring 2012

"As a senior at Emory University, with graduation just a couple of days away, I can confidently say that the internship at ISMI has given me invaluable skills for my future ... the experiences I have had at ISMI have in many ways surpassed my classroom learning. Over the past three years, I have worked on developing curriculum, compiling primary sources and I even had the opportunity to help design a website. This year, I have worked extensively on the donor database to ensure that people are aware of all the important work ISMI is doing for modern Israel. Additionally, I have helped organize materials throughout the spring semester for the teacher workshop and I cannot wait to return to Atlanta over the summer and work with the Israel teacher workshop participants and Professor Stein."-Nicole, Spring 2012

"I spent two summers at ISMI and could not have asked for a more enriching, educational, and worthwhile internship. Not only did I learn a lot of Israeli and Jewish history, but I learned how to read critically and write professionally. Working with Dr. Stein was also an incredible part of the internship- he takes the time to get to know each one of the ISMI interns and makes sure they are getting the most out of their summers. He allows his interns to shape and manage their own projects, to write, and to edit, all under his guidance and care. My success professionally today is due in large part to the skills I acquired during my time at ISMI. Dr. Stein and the ISMI staff were far more than my bosses or colleagues- they were, and still are, my teachers and mentors."-Rebecca, Fall 2011

"Working at ISMI has been a huge break for me. The experience of collaborating closely with Dr. Stein and the rest of the ISMI staff has been extremely gratifying- and not just for the opportunity to learn so much from experienced and dedicated academics and professionals. When I was hired, I had no idea how much personal interest would be taken in my abilities and what I had to offer. The level of trust and responsibility ISMI has placed on my shoulders has given me a sense of motivation and accomplishment that I've only rarely experienced before in previous internships or jobs. What's more, my work at ISMI has allowed me to take this newfound sense of confidence and inspiration and apply it to my passions for writing, research and the study of the Middle East. I can't stress enough how important working at ISMI has been to me, and how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to do so."-Michael, Fall 2011

"My experience at ISMI has been great ... I've been editing lectures using Audacity, which combines my interest in the region with my technical knowledge. Learning is an essential part of tolerance and acceptance, and I'm thrilled to work with an organization that promotes greater understanding."-Kori, Spring 2011

"The internship program at the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel was a great experience. By developing K-12 educational materials about Israel and by researching current events on the Middle East, I honed both my communication skills and research abilities while simultaneously bolstering my knowledge of Israel and its relationship to the Middle East."-Will, Fall 2010

"So much of college is spent summarizing others' research.  ISMI provided me the opportunity to engage in legitimate, meaningful scholarship under the auspices of Dr. Stein's guidance and encouragement; I'm not aware of another program that offers Emory students anything comparable."-Joshua, Spring 2010

"The staff at ISMI really took interest in each and every intern, and tailored the intern experience to fit that person and his or her interests. They were supportive and became guiding figures to me, even until this day."-Elana, Spring 2010